
Eating well while eating out
Chinese style tea restaurants also offer healthy choices of food. Doris suggests us to choose food items that are steamed, grilled, stewed and/or try to avoid dishes that are stir-fried or deep-fried. Learnto Say No Lastly, Doris...
How to lose weight
Dining out with Dietitan in a Cha Chaan TengDoris Lau, a registered dietitian, reminds us to follow the 'Food Pyramid' guides as we pick our food. The 'Food Pyramid' recommends that one's diet should start with plenty of whole grain products, which is followed...
Dining out in Cha Chaan Teng
Chinese style tea restaurants (alias Cha Chaan Teng) are one of the common eating places in Hong Kong. If you do not make food choices wisely, you may fall into the trap of high fat, salt, sugar and low fibre easily. Doris Lau, a registered...
Tips for eating red meat
Choose fresh meat instead of canned or preserved ones. Choose lean meat. Briskets and the cuts closer to bones tend to contain more fat. Diagram 1 compares the fat content of different parts of beef and pork. Select...
Red Meat or White Meat?
Can I use red meat in EatSmart Dishes? A lot of people avoid eating red meat due to its higher fat content (relative to white meat). However, red meat is part of a balanced diet as it is one of the major food sources...