Tips for Eating Out (1)
As a city of great food and cuisine in the world, eating out is a favourite activity among the Hong Kong people, in order to relax and to socialise with families and friends. It also gives us a...
* Each gram of cooking oil, no matter it is healthy or not, contains 9 kilocalories of energy. In order to limit the consumption of fats, we need to use low-fat Cooking Methods such as baking, steaming and stir-frying.
* Use healthy...
Saturated fats are abundant in animal fats such as butter
and lard, whilst unsaturated fats are mostly found in
vegetable oils such as corn oil, peanut oil and soybean oil.
There are exceptions like coconut oil and palm oil, which
We offer a number of tips to healthy and hearty food for your customers.
Good appearance makes the food more attractive to diners. The elegant French cuisine best illustrates how the appearance of a dish affects its...
Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Saturated Acids and Trans Fatty
Fat in cooking oil is made up of three fatty acid groups and
a single glycerol derivative.Fatty acids are characterized
into saturated and unsaturated fatty acids by...