
The Authentic and Nutritious Taste of Singaporean and Malaysian Cuisine
The Authentic and Nutritious Taste of Singaporean and MalaysianCuisineSingaporean and Malaysian cuisine often leaves an impression ofbeing rich in flavour with limited healthy options. However, LifeCafe, a three-star ESR, has managed to change this commonperception. Through conducting meticulous observation...
Diligently Developing Great Thai Tastes
Thai cuisine is a popular choice among Hong Kong people when diningout in summer. Pimpakul Kwandao (Dao), the Brand District Manager ofthe three-star EatSmart Restaurant (ESR) Koon Thai Hai Nam Chicken,has moved to Hong Kong from Thailand for over 30 years. She observedthat Thai people generally prefer...
Fish Soup Prepared Daily Gains Reputation for its Freshness
A rich aroma fills the kitchen of Shunde Cuisine every earlymorning, as the owner Ng Siu-tong and his staff start preparing thefresh fish soup needed for the day. Shunde Cuisine is a three-starESR established in 2009. Mr Ng recalled, “At that time, rice noodlesbecame a trend in the catering industry....
Home-style Dumplings Freshly Made with Healthy and Innovative Ideas
“Shandong cuisine is usually light in taste. Dumplings are ourfavourite.” Initially, the owner set up this restaurant with thepurpose of introducing healthy dishes from her hometown tocustomers. As a bonus, the restaurant became a three-star EatSmartRestaurant (ESR). Wong Hung-yim, Ada, the owner of...
New Experience on Indian Light Meals
Salaam Namaste is one of the few three-star ESRs that serves Indiancuisine. Head Chef Kandal Devi Prashad said, “We are happy to adjustthe dishes according to customers’ preferences and healthrequirements, such as changing the ingredients or reducing theamount of oil, salt and sugar used.” It is these...