
Mark MA - Delightful Light Meal
Mark likes to cook after work or on holidays. He prefers light-flavoured dishes, such as steamed fish and steamed egg. “Steam egg, combined with spring onion and lean pork, is both refreshing and flavourful.”...
Mark MA - Savouring the Genuine Flavour
Actors are always shot under camera. While off the camera, Mark is particularly fond of capturing the genuine natures of such simple subjects as plants, birds and human beings by photography. This is just similar to...
LEUNG Ka Ki - Incorporate Exercise into Daily Life
Ka Ki was not good at sports. It has become even more difficult for her to play sports after joining the show business. However, her interest in sports augmented after hosting a health programme . She said, “Although the colleagues in the programme were older than me, they were still capable...
LEUNG Ka Ki - Sharing Healthy Foods in Social Gatherings
Ka Ki is fond of inviting her closest friends to dinner at her home.She enjoys chitchatting and sharing happiness derived from work as she serves healthily prepared homemade dinner dishes featuring salads and seafood. As there is a growing trend towards healthy eating, she and her friends...
LEUNG Ka Ki - Enjoy Healthy Food in Gatherings
Ms LEUNG Ka Ki (Ka Ki) has hosted plenty of information programmes, which have enriched her knowledge and understanding of a healthy lifestyle. She realizes that the key to a healthy lifestyle is to take adequate rest, engage in appropriate exercise and maintain a balanced diet.When it...