
A New Presentation of Vegetable Salads
Specialising in light meals such as sandwiches and salads, Grove isa three-star EatSmart Restaurant (ESR) that has always strived tobring healthy and natural foods to customers since itsestablishment. Quintin Ng, Operation Manager of Grove, pointed out,“If you pay more attention to the methods of cooking...
Customer-led Innovative Ways to Improve Nutritional Value of Cantonese Dishes
Customer-led Innovative Ways to Improve Nutritional Value of CantoneseDishesAh Yung Kitchen, a three-star ESR, offers plenty of “EatSmartDishes”. New “EatSmart Dishes” will be introduced every year tosatisfy customers’ needs. Chef Lam Wai-leung, the Chinese Head Chefof Ah Yung Kitchen, has 38 years of...
Beijing-Sichuan-Shanghai Restaurant Balances Tradition and Health Flexibly and Ingeniously
Beijing-Sichuan-Shanghai Restaurant Balances Tradition and HealthFlexibly and IngeniouslyMany Hong Kong people eat out frequently. However, dishes providedby restaurants in general contain a lot of meat, little vegetablesand are high in oil, salt and sugar, which makes it difficult forpeople to follow...
Fun-filled Chinese Style Tea Restaurant in an Industrial Area Wins Customers’ Hearts by Innovative Dishes
Fun-filled Chinese Style Tea Restaurant in an Industrial Area WinsCustomers’ Hearts by Innovative DishesSimilar to other restaurants in industrial areas, the Hoop, aChinese style tea restaurant in Lai Chi Kok, operates during daytimeonly. The cosy ambience in the restaurant enables the Hoop to standout...
Healthy Combinations of Rice in Soup and Vegetables
The dishes served in Chinese style tea restaurants often give us theimpression of containing a lot of meat and little vegetables, beinghigh in fat and with intense flavours. Ken Chan, General Manger ofSoup Plus, said, “In fact, Chinese style tea restaurants do offerhealthier options such as rice in soup....