Diligently Developing Great Thai Tastes

Diligently Developing Great Thai Tastes

Thai cuisine is a popular choice among Hong Kong people when dining out in summer. Pimpakul Kwandao (Dao), the Brand District Manager of the three-star EatSmart Restaurant (ESR) Koon Thai Hai Nam Chicken, has moved to Hong Kong from Thailand for over 30 years. She observed that Thai people generally prefer food richer in flavour, while Hong Kong people prefer food lighter in flavour. In view of this, the restaurant has been developing authentic Thai cuisine that caters to the preferences of Hong Kong people over the years. It keeps making modifications when designing dishes, with the emphasis particularly placed on reducing the amount of seasonings used.

Making Ingenious Use of Spices

Dao shared, “Utilising natural herbs like lemongrass, bay leaves and basil for cooking can enhance the taste of our dishes and significantly reduce the amounts of salt and sugar used.” “Thai Pomelo Salad”, a “More Fruit and Vegetables” dish offered by the restaurant, is a local delicacy from Thailand. Having fresh pomelo as the main ingredient with tamarind, a sour spice, incorporated into the sauce, it makes the dish a healthier and refreshing choice.

Cooking Tips

“Assorted Vegetables with Glass Noodles Served in Clay Pot”, another “More Fruit and Vegetables” dish, is prepared by a low-fat cooking method. The chef blanches the ingredients before giving them a quick stir-fry, which effectively reduces the amount of oil used. Dao further emphasised, “Many customers have proactively requested for less seasoning in the dishes. We used to add a teaspoon of sugar for flavouring, but now we skip it to present the authentic flavours of the ingredients to our customers.”

The New Healthy Eating Trend

Dao has witnessed the change in flavour preference of Hong Kong people over time. She had a deep impression that the trend of healthy eating is on the rise. She cheerfully stated, “Having lived in Hong Kong for a long time, my eating habits have gradually changed. Recently, when I returned to Thailand and had traditional Thai food, which was strong in flavour, I found that I had become less used to it. Food lighter in flavour, which Hong Kong people prefer, suits me better!”

Thai Pomelo Salad
Thai Pomelo Salad “More Fruit and Vegetables” Logo

Pomelo is rich in vitamin C, which helps maintaining the normal functions of the immune system.

Assorted Vegetables with Glass Noodles Served in Clay Pot
Assorted Vegetables with Glass Noodles Served in Clay Pot “More Fruit and Vegetables” Logo

Made with a variety of vegetables, this dish helps customers achieve satiety and increase their dietary fibre intake.

Extract from EatSmart Restaurant Star+ Newsletter, Issue 9