Home-style Dumplings Freshly Made with Healthy and Innovative Ideas

Home-style Dumplings Freshly Made with Healthy and Innovative Ideas

“Shandong cuisine is usually light in taste. Dumplings are our favourite.” Initially, the owner set up this restaurant with the purpose of introducing healthy dishes from her hometown to customers. As a bonus, the restaurant became a three-star EatSmart Restaurant (ESR). Wong Hung-yim, Ada, the owner of Shandong Dumpling Restaurant, said cheerfully, “I believe that healthy eating is the new trend. Dishes that provide balanced nutrition and make you feel like home are definitely the way forward.”

Vegetarian Dumplings Become Children’s Favourite

Ada and her staff start preparing the dishes at 10am every day. With the fresh ingredients, different kinds of delicious dumplings can be prepared with only simple seasonings. Served with a portion of healthy Shanghai noodles, the dumplings have successfully attracted and retained many customers.

“Dumplings with Assorted Vegetables and Noodles” and “Dumplings with Tomato and Egg and Noodles” are two of the “More Fruit and Vegetables” dishes served in the restaurant. Dumplings with assorted vegetables are made with dried tofu, Chinese cabbage, Chinese mushrooms, wood ear fungus and mungbean vermicelli. On the other hand, the fillings of dumplings with tomato and egg are home-style stir-fried tomato with scrambled eggs. Ada said, “Initially, we introduced these two kinds of dumplings to cater to the needs of vegetarian customers. To our surprise, they became our customers’ top choices. Recently, we are overjoyed to see that more and more children customers ordered the ‘Dumplings with Assorted Vegetables and Noodles’.”

Seasonal Ingredients to Attract Customers

Ada believes that one of the keys to encourage customers to put healthy eating into practice is to always give them a sense of novelty. From time to time, she will introduce new dishes made from seasonal vegetables, and the popular ones will become regular dishes on the menu. This was exactly how the “Dumplings with Tomato and Egg and Noodles” became a very popular dish among customers.

Dumplings with Assorted Vegetables and Noodles
Dumplings with Assorted Vegetables and Noodles “More Fruit and Vegetables” Logo

Made from five vegetarian ingredients, this dish with rich flavour and texture is not surprisingly loved by children.

Dumplings with Tomato and Egg and Noodles
Dumplings with Tomato and Egg and Noodles “More Fruit and Vegetables” Logo

A popular healthy choice among office workers in the area.

Extract from EatSmart Restaurant Star+ Newsletter, Issue 8