
What is Glutamic Acid?
Scientists have recently identified the fifth taste known as "umami" (savory). Taste buds can detect "umami" evoked by Glutamatic Acids (or Glutamate). Glutamic Acid is naturally found in many food. Artificial Glutamic Acid...
The Science of Taste
The Origin of Flavour Tongue, nose or both? Our taste buds can only detect the four basic tastes of sweet, sour, bitter and salty. If you close your eyes and hold your breath, a piece of chocolate will simply be something sweet or...
Cooking Oil - Eat less, but not Oil-free
Cooking oil, such as corn oil and margarine, is the major dietary source of fats. One of the principles for healthy eating is to reduce the amount of fat intake and to keep a low-fat diet. Yet eating a low-fat diet does not necessarily...
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Available for Chinese version only. English version will publish later....