Cesar Salad with Roast Chicken Breast and Pumpkin

3 LessMore Fruit and Vegetables
Cesar Salad with Roast Chicken Breast and Pumpkin
Zoe TSOI, Australian Accredited Dietitian and Health Promotion Sub-Committee of HKNA, said "Using chicken breast without skin and low-fat salad dressing instead of traditional bacon and mayonnaise greatly reduces saturated fat intake, it helps prevent high blood cholesterol problem, and it's delicious!"
Ingredients (Serve 1):
Pumpkin, skinned and sliced 114 g
Chicken breast, skinned about 140 g
Green salad about 170 g
Breadcrumbs about 28 g
Cherry tomatoes about 28 g
Low-fat salad dressing about 28 g
Cooking Method:
1. Blanch the pumpkin slices and chicken breast until done. Set aside.
2. Mix the salad, breadcrumbs and cherry tomatoes. Put the pumpkin slices and chicken slices on top. Serve with low-fat salad dressing.
Per Serving:
Energy (kcal) 249
Carbohydrate (g) 29
Protein (g) 36
Fat (g) 5
Sugar (g) 7
Sodium (mg) 379
Excluding salad dressing. The energy and nutrient content are estimated according to information from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. Values are for reference use only.
This recipe is provided by Minimal Gourmet.
Extract from CookSmart, Issue 17