Jonathan WONG - Being fit: thanks to martial arts
Jonathan WONG - Being fit: thanks to martial arts While still studying in the States, Jonathan joined a college a cappella group and performed all over the country. Since then, Jonathan has released several albums in Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Japanese, for which he has won a number of awards.

Jonathan's daily routine always includes swimming, bodybuilding, Wing Chun kung fu and body combating. "Martial arts training enhances cardiopulmonary functions and helps train the less-used smaller muscle groups."

Jonathan WONG - Being fit: thanks to martial arts"I never have difficulty finding time for exercise. I usually do three sets of sit-up, push-up, chin-up and triceps dip in each session. It only takes 20 to 30 minutes. When I am travelling, I insist on working out in my hotel room by just lifting water bottles or even suitcases as an alternative to gym going."

"Spend a bit more time choosing healthy foods and do some exercise every day; from now on, no more expensive weight loss plans and nutritional supplements."

Extract from CookSmart, Issue 17