Old Shop, New Taste - Light Vegetarian Restaurant
The first customers of Light Vegetarian Restaurant were mainly monks and nuns, Buddhist believers and religious bodies when it was established 19 years ago. Through the years, more and more people have gone vegetarian in the light of health and beauty concerns. Ms Haily Fung, their Director, says they have been promoting EatSmart Dishes with “less oil, salt and sugar” to expand their customer base.

Customers are more health conscious nowadays. Ms Fung says, “One of our popular dishes is ‘Stir-fried Tree Mushroom with Lotus and Asparagus’. Our food service team and kitchen team always experiment with different types of cuisine for inspiration in the recipe design process”

The restaurant also adopts healthier ways of cooking such as steaming, grilling and light boiling, which can retain the nutrients and natural taste of Ingredients. Ms Fung adds, “It takes time for our staff to get used to the new Cooking Methods, but in the end they show their competence in preparing healthier dishes to cater for the tastes of customers.”

Extract from CookSmart, Issue 8