Use Fresh Ingredients – New Life Restaurant
Mr LEUNG Po-lam, Head Chef of New Life Restaurant, has worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and is very familiar with Vietnamese cuisine. He modified Vietnamese spring rolls by using healthier stuffing such as assorted wild rice, Chinese lettuce and chicken meat. Mr LEUNG said that the dish has become a very popular dish in their restaurant.

Celia HUNG, Administrative Manager of the restaurant, said, "As a social enterprise, our mission is to provide healthy food for our customers. Both of our restaurants use fresh or organic vegetables and refrain from using flavour enhancers. "Since joining the "" Campaign in the middle of last year, the restaurant has created 31 "3 Less Dishes" and "Dishes with More Fruit and Vegetables". Celia recommends the pumpkin series, which are cooked with local or imported organic pumpkins. Among the best of the series are "Stired-fried Chicken Cube with Pumpkins, Celery and Mixed Fruits" and "Pork Chop with Pumpkin, Mint and Mushrooms". In addition, "Tiger Prawn with Herbs and Assorted Bell Peppers" is also a popular seafood dish.

Celia added, "Many customers, particularly working people, have expressed interests in EatSmart Dishes. Apart from the daily menu, the restaurant has produced a number of posters and leaflets to let the customers know more about EatSmart Dishes".

Extract from the CookSmart Issue 6