Dick LEE - Low-fat Cooking
Dick LEE - Low-fat Cooking

To stay healthy, we should keep an eye on the Cooking Method apart from choosing a balanced combination of food. Oil and Seasonings should be properly used to prepare a healthy dish.

Without a baking oven, we may think that the feasible healthy Cooking Methods are boiling in water and steaming only. In fact, we may use some other healthy Cooking Methods, e.g. boiling in soup, stewing and double boiling. Pan-frying and stir-frying with a little oil is also acceptable. Recommended by dietitian, we should not take in more than 2 teaspoons of oil per meal. For a dinner for four, the maximum amount of oil to be used is 8 teaspoons.

It is not difficult to follow the recommendation. You may prepare one dish by frying and the other by low-fat Cooking Method, e.g. pan-fried fish and boiled vegetables, or steamed egg and pan-fried vegetables. We can use non-stick kitchenware so that the amount of oil used can be greatly reduced.

I would like to introduce the dish of boiled salmon in soup. It is nice and tender. Try it.

Light Salmon Fillets (Serve 4 to 5)

Ingredients for fish soup:
Small fish (small pomfret, file fish or threadfin) 600 g (about 1 catty)
Turnip (cut into strips of 2 inches) 500 g
Carrot (cut into strips of 2 inches) 250 g
Celery (cut into strips of 2 inches) 2 long strips
Funnel bulb 5 pieces
Funnel foliage (finely chopped) 2 teaspoon
Bay leaf 3 pieces
Onion (finely chopped and mixed with a little oil) 5 small pieces
Ginger 3 big slices
Oil 1 tablespoon
Salt To taste
Pepper To taste
Hot water 1 litre

Preparation method for fish soup:
1. Cut the fish and remove the offal. Clean and dry the fish.
2. Warm a wok over high heat. Add oil, ginger slices and garlic. Put in fish and pan-fry the fish surface until it becomes aromatic.
3. Add hot water along the side of the wok. Bring to boil over high heat.
4. Add turnip, carrot, celery, fennel bulbs, bay leaf, etc. Cover the lid. Bring to boil over high heat and then reduce heat to medium. Retain about ten pieces of carrot and celery and set aside.

Ingredients for salmon:
Scotland or Norway salmon fillets 500 g (cut into 4 – 5 pieces)
Fine sea salt 1 teaspoon
Ground fresh black pepper 1 teaspoon

Cooking Method of salmon fillets:
1. Sprinkle and gently coat a little amount of ground black pepper and fine sea salt on both sides of salmon fillets.
2. Pour fish soup in a big pan and put carrot and celery on the pan surface. Open the lid and boil the soup for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and keep the soup at the status of slightly boiling. Add salt and pepper to taste.
3. Put salmon fillets on the surface of the vegetables. Boil the bottom part of salmon fillets in the soup for 1.5 minutes.
4. Turn over the fillets. Turn off the heat and soak for 1 minute. Take out the fillets and put them on a warm dish.
5. Garnish the dish with carrot and celery which are to be taken out from the fish soup. Pour some fish soup on the salmon fillets. Sprinkle sea salt and finely chopped funnel foliage to taste and serve.

1. For salmon fillets, preferably choose the middle part of the fish body.
2. If you want salmon fillets to be cooked more thoroughly, soak each side of the fillets for 30 more seconds.
3. Soup boiled with salmon is aromatic and sweet. The soup can be used as the soup base for rice vermicelli.