Keeping Pace with Healthy Eating Trend

Keeping Pace with Healthy Eating Trend

ClubONE solely specialised in the operation of wedding venues when it was established. Subsequently, it has expanded its business scope to cover different types of banquets for individuals and companies. Since 2013, ClubONE has been an EatSmart Restaurant (ESR), offering “EatSmart Dishes” (i.e. “More Fruit and Vegetables” dishes and “3 Less” dishes) in its restaurants. Since early this year, ClubONE has been providing “EatSmart Promotion” for specific “EatSmart Dishes”. It was promoted to a three-star ESR under the “EatSmart Restaurant Star+” Campaign (ESR Star+ Campaign).

Unlimited Business Opportunities in Healthy Eating

Mr Robert Chan, Executive Director of ClubONE, has been well aware of the market trend for a long time. He included becoming an ESR as one of the major directions of ClubONE. Believing that young people are health-conscious and generally maintain a healthy diet, Mr Chan is convinced that capitalising the healthy eating trend will allow room for business growth and expansion. Over the past few years, Mr Chan has noticed that Hong Kong people’s eating habits have become more healthy. He revealed, “Wedding couples do not merely pursue lavish meals. They choose to hold their wedding banquet at ClubONE because we provide dishes that are cooked with less fat or oil, salt and sugar.”

Getting Creative with “EatSmart Dishes”

ClubONE has developed quite a number of “EatSmart Dishes” with wonderful colour, aroma and taste. Mr Chan said, “As long as you are willing to think hard, it is not difficult to come up with brand new healthy dishes. Our chefs are good at using western vegetables in preparation of cooked dishes. This gives us a little bit of edge in creating innovative ‘EatSmart Dishes’, and we are able to deliver surprises from time to time.” Some examples are the recently introduced dishes, which feature beetroots and kale as the core ingredients.

Maintaining Position as a Healthy Brand

Mr Chan believes that healthy eating is becoming mainstream, referring to a previous case in which ClubONE received critical acclaim from a client after successfully holding a company dinner of 50 tables in vegetarian style. As for the future development of ClubONE, Mr Chan hopes to incorporate the elements of healthy eating into “100th day banquets” for newborn babies.

Steamed Dumplings with Beetroots and Lotus Roots “3 Less” Logo

With a crunchy filling of beetroots and lotus roots, these steamed dumplings are a healthy and delicious meal choice.

Stir-fried Assorted Vegetables “More Fruit and Vegetables” Logo “3 Less” Logo

Quickly stir-fried with less oil, this colourful dish makes use of a beautiful combo of simple ingredients to deliver a refreshing flavour.

Extract from EatSmart Restaurant Star+ Newsletter, Issue 1