Braised Enokitake, Bamboo Pith and Seasonal Vegetable in Broth

More Fruit and Vegetables3 Less
Braised Enokitake, Bamboo Pith and Seasonal Vegetable in Broth
Danica YAU, accredited practising dietitian (Australia) and editor of HKDA, said, Dish with "More Fruit and Vegetables"Celery is a common and nutritious vegetable. It helps to lower blood pressure, prevent heart diseases and strengthen our immune system."
Ingredients: (to serve 2)
Baby watercress375 g
Enokitake mushrooms75 g
Bamboo pithsSome
Celery3 slices
Carrot3 slices
Canola oil1/4 teaspoon
Fish stock600 mL
Salt1/4 teaspoon
Sugar1/4 teaspoon
Fish stock Ingredients: (about 1.8L)
water2.4 L
big fish, chopped1.5 kg
ginger, sliced50 g
Cooking Method:
1.Bring water to the boil. Add the big fish and ginger. Cook for 1/2 hour. Done.
Cooking Method:
1.Wash the watercress. Blanch until done. Set aside.
2.Blanch the enokitake mushrooms, bamboo piths, celery, and carrot. Set aside.
3.Heat oil in a wok. Pour in the fish stock. Add enokitake mushrooms and bamboo piths. Season with oil, salt and sugar. Cook until done. Lay the mushrooms over the watercress. Top with celery and carrot slices to serve.
Per Serving:
Energy (kcal)45
Carbohydrate (g)7
Protein (g)5
Fat (g)1
Sugar (g)1
Sodium (mg)378
The energy and nutrient content are estimated according to information from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. Values are for reference use only.
This recipe is provided by Joy Cuisine.
Extract from CookSmart, Issue 18