Green Asparagus with Black Tomatoes

3 LessMore Fruit and Vegetables
Green Asparagus with Black Tomatoes
Zoe TSOI , Australian Accredited Dietitian, Health Promotion Sub-Committee of HKNA, said "Tomatoes and asparagus are rich in lycopene and folate respectively. Lycopene is an antioxidant which slows down aging. Folate is a type of vitamin B which prevents anaemia. The use of balsamic vinegar as salad dressing is also a smart low fat choice! "
Ingredients (Serve 2):
Asparagus 3 stalks
Black tomatoes 2
Mint leaves Some
Sea Salt 1/5 teaspoon
Balsamic vinegar dressing Ingredients:
Balsamic vinegar 10 ml
Olive oil 20 ml
Sea salt 1/5 teaspoon
Ground white pepper Some
Balsamic Vinegar Dressing Cooking Method:
1. In a bottle, whisk the olive oil, vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside
Cooking Method:
1. Peel the asparagus. Using a vegetable peeler, slice the stalks lengthwise into very thin strips.
2. Stem and wedge the tomatoes.
3. Season the asparagus and tomatoes with sea salt.
4. In a bowl, add 5 ml of the balsamic vinegar dressing to the asparagus and tomatoes. Toss gently and mix well.
5. Arrange the tomatoes on the plate and place the asparagus on top. Garnish with mint leaves.
Per Serving:
Energy (kcal) 111
Carbohydrate (g) 7
Protein (g) 2
Fat (g) 9
Sugar (g) 4
Sodium (mg) 475
The energy and nutrient content are estimated according to information from the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. Values are for reference use only.
This recipe is provided by Mr. Vito CHAN.
Extract from CookSmart, Issue 17