Old Shop, New Taste – Canton Room, Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong
Mr Wilson LEUNG, chef of Canton Room of the Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong, observes that a trend of healthy eating is underway and healthy dishes are becoming more popular among customers. The restaurant endeavours to enhance the quality of the food provided so as to ensure good value for money for all customers. "We have proudly joined the 'EatSmart@restaurant.hk' campaign for a few years", Wilson said.

Wilson believes although the basics of Chinese style cooking remains unchanged, Chinese cuisine has fused with western Cooking Methods. Western or South-Asian herbs such as spice and basil, for instances, are used commonly to add colour and flavour to Chinese dishes.

Knowing that Hong Kong people are fascinated of seafood, Wilson chose Coral Trout, which has one of the tenderest texture, as the ingredient of the "Dragger on the Silver River". He also used sundried fig for the sauce because it did not contain any added sugar. To keep the dish warm, it is important to steam the winter melon and carrot at the same time.

Dragger on the Silver River ("3 Less" dish) - Fish fillets are wrapped with sliced Italian lettuce head and carrot, which are topped on winter melon, baby Chinese cabbage and broccoli. The fish rolls symbolize several little “boats” sailing on a “river” made of fig sauce, which adds to the fresh taste of the fish.

Adjudicators’ Comments -
Ms Vanessa YEUNG, famous model and artist
"The dish not only has a spectacular appearance, but also with a perfect match of Ingredients. The finishing touch is put by the fig sauce, which brings out the delicate flavours of various Ingredients."

Ms Kit Mak, food stylist
"This elegantly prepared fish dish is distinctly dressed with a fig sauce, which blends well with the crispy turnip. The fish fillets are fresh and delightful."

Extract from CookSmart, Issue 10