Eat Less to Enjoy More - Kayi Cheung
Former Miss Hong Kong Kayi Cheung, also a nutritionist, has a secret to healthy living - "One less and Three more" meaning eat less but eat more often, do more exercises and learn more about food labels. She has been a health advocate since early age and a genuine supporter of the "less oil, salt and sugar plus plenty of fruits and vegetables" principle under the EatSmart Campaign.

More fruit & vegetables3 Less

Kayi Cheung said, "Hong Kong people work very hard and have little time to cook. They rely on outside food which is often laiden with fat. In fact, obesity and many chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer are closely associated with unhealthy eating habits. It is therefore important to follow the principle of healthy eating. I have visited an EatSmart Restaurant and was happy to find that they offer a large variety of EatSmart Dishes. It really saves me a lot of time and trouble in placing order. Even if you are not in an EatSmart Restaurant, I still recommend dishes with less oil, salt and sugar which can help to avoid excessive calorie intake."

Extract from the CookSmart Issue 3