Skye CHAN - Making Healthy Breakfast and Hearty Soups

As a mother of two boys, Skye now focuses more on keeping her family on a balanced diet. She glowed with joy when talking about preparing meals for her sons. “My elder son and I seldom have lunch together after he began studying in primary school,” said Skye, “So I prepare breakfast for him and his younger brother every day.” With a wide selection of healthy foods such as macaroni, cereal and noodles as well as egg pies, toast sandwiches and Mexican tacos, Skye’s homemade breakfast is something that her sons look forward to every day.

Skye makes soup for her family every evening and is knowledgeable about preparing nourishing soups. Apart from carrot and green radish soup and lotus root soup with dried octupus, she recommends preparing a yacon soup with apples or pears to give it a fresh and sweet flavour. In addition, soups prepared with pumpkins, red beans, adlay, sweet apricot kernels or wolfberries are particularly refreshing. When having a hot pot meal, Skye uses a healthy and flavourful soup base featuring kombu, turnips and garlic.

Exercising with Family for Good Health and Fun

Skye used to play badminton, but now she goes jogging regularly. She said, ‘It is relaxing to have a good sweat from exercise.” She enjoys bonding with her sons by exercising together.

Extract from CookSmart, Issue 27